We are the first Portuguese luxury gallery that combines the aesthetic, performative, philanthropic and human experience with an intermedia and inter-art digital concept.

Founded by the twin sisters and businesswomen Mónica Kahlo and Sílvia Raposo, the São Rafael Galleries / Galerias São Rafael are the first portuguese luxury gallery developed from an immersive, eclectic and philanthropic intermedia and inter-art digital concept. We represent a selection of established and emerging artists, awarded nationally and internationally.

We promote an intermedia and inter-arts dialogue by uniting the exhibition, performance, reception and commercialization of artworks in a single platform. We work to be at the vanguard of commercialization with a close concern for the future, since we firmly believe that each acquisition must be a marriage between the aesthetic appreciation of contemporary art and the financial satisfaction of a responsible investment. More than a company dedicated to culture, São Rafael Galleries are an important player in the spheres of art and creativity in its relationship with the future of human development. As a company based in the European Union, we share common priorities for 2021-2024, namely with regard to the European goal of achieving a Europe prepared for the digital age. We want to ensure that, regardless of any health crisis that may arise, we are active agents in culture, with the conviction of ensuring a thriving cultural and creative economy at the service of people.

The galleries were originally designed to bring technological sophistication to the Portuguese art market, expanding to the international market by undertaking an immersive experience and virtual reality, combined with a philanthropic awareness.

Created during the paralysis of the cultural sector in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and adapting to the normalization and expansion of digital markets, the São Rafael Galleries raise the standard of the exhibition experience by creating immersive experiences in virtual reality and augmented reality from exclusive artworks by national and international artists. The contemporary art gallery market now gains a new glow with the insertion of hyperrealism in the very conception of virtual exhibition environments and virtual commercialising acquires a performative dimension with the increase in the visual quality of the details and three-dimensionality of the artworks.

The twins have as their main objective to rehabilitate the creative industries by promoting greater efficiency in the use of technological resources, encouraging innovation in the cultural sector and revolutionizing the process of exhibiting artworks. The São Rafael Galleries combine the interactivity and immersiveness of museological experiences with the way art is commercialized, providing users with the experience of the “all-embracing art form”, in which the user can opt for guided tours in video format, 360º panoramic exhibition rooms where he/she can interact and circulate independently, or even virtual reality. Minimizing the risks and costs of the expedition and exhibition process, together with a concern with the protection of cultural and artistic heritage, the insertion of the virtual reality experience also allows safeguarding the integrity of the original works of art.

The objective, refer the twin businesswomen, is “through the immersive virtual experience, to contribute to a dynamization of the individual’s emotional and intellectual fields, as well as to look at the culture and its artistic dimension in an evolutionary perspective”.

Sustainable Development Goals

The São Rafael Galleries also defend the growing role of the business community in supporting the strategic implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, as a company in the culture sector founded by two women entrepreneurs, we have a close relationship with the 5th SDG goal, which is to achieve equality gender and empowering women. Our position in the market allows us to enhance the visibility of female artists in the art market, offering greater representation and promoting their empowerment through base technologies, media partnerships and contributing to the percentage of artworks on exhibition by woman artists walk in an increasing direction for equality, opening a breach in the patriarchal tendency of the art market.

The 9th SDG goal is also close to us, as it aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. The São Rafael Galleries are a virtualized infrastructure, innovative in Portugal, which focuses on quality, trust, sustainability and resilience. We were born from a modernized vision of what is a contemporary cultural infrastructure with greater efficiency in the use of resources and greater adoption of technologies so that Culture and professionals in the sector find in São Rafael Galleries a vehicle for the development of cultural economies and creative domains. As a company based in Portugal, we extend our collaborations to other countries, namely to African and South American countries, recognizing the high creative capacity and quality of its artists, reinforcing our active role in promoting the cultural industry in an inclusive and merit-based way.

As the creative industry is a high value-added sector, it is essential for uis to focus on the sector and ensure that artists can market their work safely and securely, as well as achieve higher levels of productivity through modernization, technology and innovation, in close relationship with the 8th SDG goal that’s based on promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Based on these ideals, we hoist the flag that Art is a human investment and we assume this commitment on a lasting basis.
Contact us with any convenient way:

E-mail: galeriassaorafael@gmail.com
Phone: +351 961080291
Social networks: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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